As an artist, I am inspired by what I see around me every day. Whether it’s natural beauty or manmade wonder, experiences are what bring my paintings to life.

I also believe that while doing well in life is important, doing real and meaningful good is even better – and that’s what this page is all about.

This is where I would love to give back to causes close to my heart, and where I want to introduce you to two amazing charities that you will be helping to support every time you purchase one of my dedicated cards in the Jasmine Germaine London Collection.

Cool Earth

A few years ago, I was given an opportunity to travel to Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica, where I became immersed in the pure beauty of nature at its finest. However, it wasn’t all beautiful landscapes – I also faced some harsh realities during my trip, learning that the deforestation taking place across these areas was cutting into the six million species and 330 million people who call the rainforest home.

Not only that but rainforests contribute around 20% of all Earth’s water and oxygen, meaning we need them just as much as those millions of species and local communities do.

It broke my heart to consider that one day, at the rate of deforestation as it stands today, this natural beauty may no longer exist. And so, I decided to find a way that I could help support the organisations fighting this damage – while also making more people aware of the issue.

That’s why for every ‘Leopards’ card sold I will be making a donation to Cool Earth.

You can read more about their cause:

Brain Tumour Research

A cause close to my heart and to the heart’s of so many, and yet just 1% of the national spend on Cancer Research is allocated to Brain Tumour Research.

For every ‘Rose’ card sold, I will be contributing directly to the Brain Tumour Research charity who truly do incredible work every single day. For every set of 5 cards sold, £4 will go to the charity.

You can read more about their cause:


From myself and these two inspirational charities, thank you for visiting my website, and more specifically thank you for landing on my Philanthropy page.